INSIGA is a tool that aims to reduce the economic and environmental cost of the energy demand required for the execution of industrial processes. Through the connected industry, the tool allows a feasibility analysis for photovoltaic self-consumption installations in a first module and enables users to supervise, optimize and visualize energy consumption and self-consumption in their facilities through a second monitoring module.

The project contributes to creating a more competitive and sustainable industrial fabric that is less dependent on variations in the international energy market. At the same time, the economic sector associated with national energy self-consumption is promoted by substituting imported fossil fuels use from third countries for local renewable energy.

ARCbcn will carry out the tool’s design, contributing its experience in energy and installations consulting and technical and economic evaluation for photovoltaic self-consumption. INERGY consultancy contributes in the software development part, as well as in design and user experience. NASUVINSA is responsible for recruiting participants for the pilot’s execution.

  • Year: 2021
  • Funding: Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo - Gobierno de España