April 8, 2022

ARCBcn is the engineering firm that collaborates with Barozzi Veiga in the new Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) building after the architecture studio was selected as the winning proposal by an expert jury.

The BIST building is the first project of the ambitious Ciutadella del Coneixement (Ciutadella of Knowledge) initiative. Developed by the Barcelona City Council, the Government of Catalonia, and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). It aims to transform the area around Antic Mercat del Peix (adjacent to Ciutadella Park) into a hub for research and innovation for 1.200 researchers in biomedicine, biodiversity, and Planetary Wellbeing.

The new building is for more than 500 researchers and sixty research groups from four BIST centers (CRG, IBEC, ICN2, and IRB Barcelona). It will have a surface area of nearly 25,000 m² distributed over several floors and dedicated to multidisciplinary research. The project has an overall budget of 50 million euros.

The "Ciutadella del Coneixement" is one of the most important urban transformation projects to be developed in Barcelona in the coming years. In addition to the hub for research and innovation, some of the historic buildings are reused, the Barcelona Zoo is rethought as a study center for the conservation of biological diversity, and it opens a direct access to the sea.

See project:

Barcelona Institute Science of Technology

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