HYSTORE aims to develop and validate innovative TES concepts based on cutting-edge PCM and TCM solutions. The novel concepts attain different applications on heating/cooling (H/C), DHW configurations, and further set up optimal conditions for the provision of hybrid energy and power services thanks to the development of a smart aggregator and an open-source multi-service platform.

The project promotes the implementation of thermal storage technologies, to increase the share of renewable energy systems (RES). It also encourages TES as an enabler to improve the flexible and reliable operation of building both power and thermal systems as decentralized energy resources, exploiting the increasing share of renewables, context maximizing the exploitation and harnessing local RES generation and electrical grid peak load shedding and management.

Such goals will be achieved thanks to the following general objectives:

  • to deploy plug-and-play TES solutions for daily and monthly storage that are perfectly integrated with the building energy system and with the electric and thermal networks.
  • to eliminate technical barriers linked to storage installation and operation complexity by acting at engineering level, technical training level and interoperability level of the storage with the other smart appliances.
  • to reduce the LCOE associated to the use of storage, making TES competitive with the widely adopted EES solutions and in line with SET Plan targets.
  • to operate the TES solutions as assets for demand side management and autonomous peak load shaving, which release grid capacities and optimal conditions for further enabling flexibility and frequency market, while proposing business and operational schemes for Capacity as a Service.
  • to validate at TRL6/7 the proposed TES solutions and open-source operational platform in: residential/mixed use building in Continental climate (Austria), residential building in Nordic climate, multi-purpose building in Mediterranean climate (Spain), district-connected building complex in cold climate (Ireland).
  • Project Title: Hybrid services from advanced thermal energy storage systems
  • Duration: 2023 – 2026
  • Consortium: 18 partners
  • Coordinated by: ARCbcn
  • Funding: Horizon Europe
  • Grand agreement ID: 101096789